Tuesday 27 January 2009

Monday 19th January – Presenting our Pitch

In this lesson we were given some time to finish our pitch and present it to the class, like how real film maker present their idea to huge film companies such as Warner Bros, Paramount and 20th Fox. This was an exciting task and our job was to convince Mary (our teacher) if she would invest in our thriller. When presenting, we talked through all aspects of our idea for our film we aimed to make it sound new and exciting so this would already be a test of how good we can grab the audience.

Our thriller plot was a political/supernatural thriller. We chose to do this because our group very much liked a previous AS thriller which was a political thriller so we wanted to make ours something like the previous one with our own twist on it, as we added the supernatural side of it to make it more unique. Our plot was kind of simple as it was just about a business man in a suit walking around Canery Whalf with a suit case in his hand. He enters a popular building lift and then leaves his suit case on a step in the building.

We talked about eight elements of how we will produce this thriller which were: the key images, kind of setting and location we would be filming around, Lighting and how we will use it, Camerawork and the choice of shots and angles and why we will use these particular ones and how it conveys a particular meaning, Music and how will use this crucial aspect to create a particular mood and atmosphere, who are the audience and how it appeals to them (what was used to show this), our Storyboard showing the flow of the opening sequence and finally the production schedule (when things are going to happen).

This was a team based task so we split our 8 categories between us so that we have 2 sections each to present. I talked about the Music and Audience, Ola talked about the Camerawork and Storyboard, Sevin talked about Location and lighting and Selma talked about the Images and Production schedule.

For my parts I suggested that we use slow tension building sound like perhaps heart beats. The heart beat would gradually increase as the tension builds up so that it will keep the audience on the edge of their seats making it more thrilling. The audience is aimed at the age group of 18-26 year olds as research tells us that political thriller are usually aimed at and watched by people of this age. It is also usually aimed at men because most men like these sort of movies but also research also proves that there is a reasonable amount of women watch political o supernatural movies.

However, while pitching our group began to realise how similar it was to the previous AS thriller and this was also familiar to Mary and the rest of the class. Mary’s feedback was very useful because we could have easily fallen into the trap of making this piece of coursework that has already been made which would mean that our group wouldn’t get as good as grade as we deserve. This made us think hard and hope began to fade away slowly as all our hard work would need to start again. We decided to scrap our whole idea and start with something fresh which would stand out amongst the rest. Our new challenge was to think of how we are going to overcome this mistake and make a new sequence to our new and improved thriller. This did affect our group as we have to now catch up as we are very far behind our class.

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