Wednesday 28 January 2009

26th January – A New Beginning

Our group was the only group left in the classroom as all the other groups went out filming. Mary introduced our class to an ex-A level media student called Rushan and he became very useful in relighting the morale within the group. Because we left our political thriller behind we decided that me and Ola would make up our own thrillers over the weakend and present it to the group and decide which one we should use and then that would be our final one. After looking at both thrillers we had a vote of which one was the best for our group to use and Ola’s one was chosen because it was simpler than my thriller idea.

However, it was not as simple as that, we analysed Ola’s thriller and there were not some satisfying parts to it. We looked at the good and bad parts and began to have feelings that it was too basic and predictable. Rushan also suggested that he had already seen this thriller idea and that it had not turned out well when the filming practise was in sessions due to his personal experience. He then advised us to try and come up with something more fresh so then my thriller was but forward, but even I admitted that mine was too complicated for just an opening sequence of a thriller.

Before the lesson our teacher, Mary, told Rushan about our previous supernatural idea. While our group was trying to create another thriller, again, Rushan brought up our supernatural idea but put it with a different twist because he thought that our group should stick to something different and that he was very interested in a sort of supernatural thriller. This inspired our group as we all wanted to do this supernatural thriller from the beginning but was told it was really hard and that no previous groups in the past had ever done one in the past from our college. We knew it would be a challenge and we were all confident that we had potential to create an extraordinary piece of film work. We all decide we would do this supernatural thriller and this boosted our confidence and increased the morale within the group.

We then committed ourselves to do a new storyboard during the lesson and finish it by the end of the lesson so we can start filming immediately on our Thursday lesson. We add some parts to the sequence it makes it more understandable. Everyone in the group had a task to do, Selma was looking up locations for where best to film, me and Ola made a props list and wrote down all the camera shots we will be using (which Ola has already posted under “New Supernatural Synopsis”) and Sevin was roughly drawing up the story board with annotations. Sevin suggested that we could film partly in King’s Cross as she said there was a beautiful environment which would good look on film, (these pictures were researched by Selma and our also posted on our group blog). Teamwork played a vital role in us completing the work all in that lesson so we were able to learn we could trust and rely on each other because we really needed to as we were so much behind the rest of the class. We left the classroom with delight and had finally got back on our feet.

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