Tuesday 27 January 2009

Thursday 22nd January – Scrapping Our Original Thriller

This lesson was probably the most depressing lesson we had for our group because we felt in a state of stalemate. Our group was not progressing because we had ditched our idea of our thriller and decided to make another one because the other one was too similar to a previous AS thriller we had previously seen. So we decided to leave behind the political thriller and come up with just a supernatural thriller. We spent most of the lesson doing this and had many suggestions of what it could be about but none of them is what all of us had in mind and would be too difficult to film. This started to affect us as sign of giving up started to appear. Mickey and Merissa (media technicians) came over to our group to help us come up with ideas that would help us become alive again and become more enthusiastic but this did not really help.

Rebecca, our teacher informed us that a supernatural thriller was the hardest of the thriller genres to do. This put our group even more down as we had to start again even further back. We then had moments when the group had stopped talking to each other because it felt like we had failed the whole project already. Rebecca brainstormed with us about what we liked about the previous thrillers we had seen before in the hope of us getting our motivation back. She asked us what parts we liked and why we liked them. This was good as we were thinking of trying to do the parts we like with our own twist but our group wanted to be more original as we had made that mistake already and we had paid the consequence. These made us learn that we had to do this project the hard way and not the easy way of just changing up parts of a previous thriller. We also learned that the thrillers were better to be simple but effective and we soon realised that we had wasted too much time thinking too hard of a plot when it should at most only have a small twist and we were going at it like we were creating a whole film. This was a useful lesson as we now knew that there was no time to be wasted and we needed to get through this as soon as possible.

As a group we decided that each one of us would go home and create a new and fresh storyboard with developed ideas for Monday’s lesson so we can get straight into filming. We would pitch our own thrillers to the group and have a vote on which thriller idea is the best one for us to do as our final one and quickly move on from there to catch up with everyone else in the class. However, we still left the class stressed, and hoping that we can come back with something to look forward to.

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