Wednesday 28 January 2009

The PROPS we will use for our thriller

Definite props:

· Two tables for the alien to lay across

· White science lab overall coat for the intruding doctor

· Black blind fold

· Doctors knife

· Red light, perhaps a bike flash light

· Surgery gloves

If possible props:

· Fake dirt/mud to put on the face of the mysterious person/alien

· Contact lenses, red if possible for the mysterious person/alien

· Ropes, to tie mysterious person/alien to the table

· Zip ties, to keep mysterious person/alien hands tied

· Torch, stand up light and miniature torch

· Ripped cloths

· Computer or laptop as a kind of life monitor or information source

· Suit case with tools inside

These props our essential and most must be present for us to start filming immediately on Thursday’s lesson. Most of the props convey meaning like the colour should hopefully, if possible, be the same colour of the flash light. However, we may use any additional props as we go along when filming.

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