Friday 16 January 2009

Final thriller ideas

In our lesson on Thursday with Rebecca and Laura we were given the task of coming up with some ideas about what our real and final thriller film opening is going to be about and what type of thriller it was going to be.
The first thing we as a group had to decide was what type of thriller it was going to be; after a long group discussion we all agreed to have a political/supernatural thriller.
After we had decided what type of thriller our film opening was to be, we had to make a plot to go along with this theme.
Summary of our plot:

  • A ‘business man’ heading down the stairs/escalator.
  • ‘Business man’ walking through the crowd, we use P.O.V shots at this point and Mid-shots.
  • We then see him heading unto the DLR and once again, we use P.O.V and Mid-shots.
    After this, we cut to the next scene showing the city skyline and Canary Wharf in the distance (this shot is going to be filmed from Greenwich Park).
  • Throughout all the scenes above, we get constant close up at the suitcase.
  • The ‘business man’ then gets into a lift and we use match cutting again to show him as he gets off the lift.

  • Finally, the suitcase is left on a set of steps.

Whilst doing all of this we also had to incorporate all of these ideas into our pitch that we are going to present next lesson to Mary. We had designated different tasks put to different group members as everybody in the group had to speak during the pitch. A pitch is when directors go and propose their ideas to publishers e.g. Fox Century or Warner Bros.

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