Sunday 11 January 2009

Match Cut

In our Thursday lesson we were given an introduction into what a match cut is; when a character carries out an activity and we are shown the same thing but from a different camera shot or angle. We were given a scenario where a character was to sit down, enter a password, download files, copy it to a disk, put it in an envelope, smoke his cigarette and then finally post the CD. Had to write down how we would film this shot in groups. Unfortunately for me all the rest of the members in my group had an exam so I was left on my own. Thus leading to me having to work with another group for the first half of the lesson. After this we had to watch the video of the scenario and point out where the match cuts were. After this activity I was on my own as it was a group activity; we had to fill out a sheet describing what we would be doing in our filming session: types of camera angles/shots, what would be happening in each scene, the dialogue, the overall plot, and where the match cuts would be. I had to make all the major decisions by myself as I was the only present member in my group. We would have done the filming during this lesson but it had to be postponed to the following lesson as members of the class were due to an exam.

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