Friday 16 January 2009

Second Film Practice (Match Cuts)

In our second practice film we had to incorporate some use of match cut technique; this is where somebody is filmed carrying out a task or doing a specific thing and it is shown from different camera angles and shots whilst they are doing exactly the same thing. Considering my group was not in the lesson before this second film practice, I think everything went very well as I told my group what the task was, what match cutting was and the plot of the storyline. After this brief introduction, we got straight down to filming and everyone in the groups’ enthusiasm really helped this second filming practice to go swiftly along with some advice and help from Mickey.

Between the first and second practice I have learnt what match cutting is, how to incorporate that into our filming, how to analyse filming and make sure everything is filmed exactly the same, how to get different shots together and edit them to make them flow smoothly, and finally the 180 rule.

I personally think that we have followed the forms and conventions of real films, as these forms and conventions are simple but at the same time affective. We created a tense atmosphere without the need to dim lights or have thundery weather etc… Editing was done appropriately and we included quick cuts between scenes to impose a sense of unease amongst the viewers; these are all things that real films have and so did ours.

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