Wednesday 28 January 2009


At the end of the of the lesson on Monday 26th January, my teacher told me about a software called live type on the computers in the Mac room which had incredible special effects in presenting fonts and illusions. She then asked me if I wanted to see the effects and possibly use some of them when our group gets to the stage of us editing. This programme had numerous effects and whilst I was looking through them I had seen some weird kind of illusion ones which I thought look good, especially on our thriller as it is going to be a supernatural thriller so the effect relates to it. It also provided some great fonts that would be useful while editing. This gave me ideas of how our group could add some of these effects in our thriller like where they should come in and how much of them should we use. This also gave me a great idea of how we could switch scenes by using this particular effect on this software. This effect is like an illusion where it makes the audience feels they are going through a tunnel and this could end up in our second location at King’s Cross.

This software was very useful as it allowed me to quickly change up some parts and add some parts before filming as this may have been a struggle if it was after we had finished all the filming. It also allowed me to become more familiar with the software so it saves a lot of time getting use to the software so this will speed up the process. When I told members of my group my idea they liked it and we knew what camera shot we needed for this to run smoothly.

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